Digital Addressing & Calligraphy: What is it?
Category: All About Wedding Invitations, Beyond Wedding Invitations, Invitation Etiquette | Published on: Nov 25, 2014
One of the great add-on services that CharmCat offers for invitations is Digital Addressing. But I find a lot of clients aren’t clear on what digital addressing is.

Digital Addressing (also called digital calligraphy) is the simple process of taking a digital list of your guests’ names and addresses and printing them directly onto your envelopes. Digital addressing saves your time, your money, and your hand!
Why Digital Addressing?
Digital addressing is the perfect balance between traditional (but pricey) calligraphy and free (but time-consuming) hand addressing.
Traditionally, you’d hire a professional calligrapher to hand-write every envelope for you. There’s still some wedding blogs and pros who prefer the old etiquette.
But with an average cost of $2-$5 per envelope the price tag for professional calligraphy can add up fast!
(Somewhat ironically) the main argument against digital addressing is that it seems impersonal. This implies that hiring our your addressing is more personal than printing the envelopes. Personally, I wouldn’t want someone at my wedding if they cared whether I hired a calligrapher.
Of course, if you can afford hand calligraphy, and prefer the look, then go for it!
How does Digital Addressing work?
All you need to do is choose your options and provide a guest address list.
Envelope options
You can print digital addressing on a variety of envelope colors (not just white). Envelopes are available in flat or pointed flaps.
The return address can be printed in the upper lefthand corner in the front, or on the back flap.
Of course, you can choose to just do the return address and do the guest addresses yourself.

Envelope Design
We’ll work with you to create an envelope design that incorporates your fonts and colors. The design may also include other elements to match your invites. You have the chance to see each addressed envelope before it goes to print as a PDF. This lets you make small changes for each envelope so they look just right.

Preparing your address list
Addresses should be submitted in a spreadsheet. Make columns corresponding to the layout of your envelope design.
You can download my address spreadsheet template to help prep your list.
Find out more by contacting CharmCat for a quote!
So what do you think about digital addressing versus traditional calligraphy?
Till next time,
— Ashleigh
See more posts about: I didn't know I could do that, addressing, calligraphy, custom, digital addressing, envelope design, inner envelope, outer envelope, typography, wedding ideas, wedding invitations
why we use digital calligraphy also have hand calligraphy and it is unique design ??
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