Proofing Your Wedding Invitations: A Checklist
Category: All About Wedding Invitations, Invitation Etiquette, Stationery DIY and How Tos | Published on: Aug 18, 2015
There are lots of ways to blow your invitation budget; some of them are super-fun (like adding foil or fancy envelopes) and some of them are not-so-fun. Like having to pay to reprint all your invites because you missed something while proofing them.

It’s hard not to get excited when you finally see your invitations, so it’s understandable if you forget to do some rigorous proofreading. Here’s a checklist you can print and keep handy while you (and at least two of your most grammarly friends) review those invite proofs.
Before Printing:
The Design:
- Did you do a test print to review the design?
- Are the colors correct and consistent with the ones you picked out? Remember that if you’re getting special printing the colors may look very different.
- Are the fonts correct and consistent with the ones you picked out?
- Are the custom elements as you and your stationer discussed?
The Details:
The Invitation
- Are your names spelled correctly?
- Is the date correct? Does the day correspond to the date?
- Is the time correct?
- If you don’t have a directions or info card, is the full address of the ceremony on the invitation?
- If you don’t have a reception card, and the reception is at a different location than the ceremony, is the full address of
the reception on the invitation?
The Envelope
- Are invitees’ names spelled correctly?
- Are all the invitee’s addresses spelled correctly?
- Have you double-checked the format for international addresses?
- Is the return address either in the upper left-hand corner or on the back flap?
- Is the return address correct?
- Is the return address either in the upper-left-hand corner or on the back flap? Is it correct?
The RSVP Card
- Is your RSVP by date correct?
- Do you have a place for invitees to write their names, or have you pre-written their names?
- Do you have a system for tracking RSVPs with no name?
- Is the envelope or postcard addressed to the person in charge of collecting replies?
Enclosure Cards: Reception Card
- Is the date correct? Does the day correspond to the date?
- Is the time correct?
- Is the full address of the reception correct? Do you have the phone number of the reception location in case guests get lost?
Enclosure Cards: Hotel/Accommodations Card
- Do you have the name, address, phone number, and web site of each hotel?
- If a block is reserved, do you have the name invitees need to reserve under?
Enclosure Cards: Directions Card
- Are all the locations and addresses correct?
- Have you tested the directions to make sure they are correct?
- Did you include parking information?
- Did you include toll information?
Enclosure Cards: Map Card
- Are all the markers in the right spot?
- Are all the important markers labeled?
- Does the map include all the important roads?
- Are all the important roads labeled?
- Is the highlighted route correct?
Before Mailing
- Did you weigh a complete set to make sure you have the right postage?
- Did you have the post office check your RSVP envelope or postcard for the right postage (remember postcards require less postage)?
- Is your RSVP envelope or postcard pre-stamped?
- Are the outer envelopes completely sealed?
Print out the checklist so you can mark it up as you go along the proofing process!
Or, Pin it for later:

The most important proofing tip? Check and check again! You’ll thank yourself when you see your beautiful (and correct) invitations!
— Ashleigh
See more posts about: checklist, free download, invitations, invite wording, learned the hard way, proofreading, proofs, step-by-step guide
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