You’re here: Shop » Pin-Back Buttons » Starry Sky 2 Inch Pin-Back Button — Space Nerd Pin Flair

Starry Sky Pin



A 2-inch piece of the night sky you can wear with you anywhere. Perfect for the deep soul or space lover.

Pin-back buttons are made with a mylar top layer and a plastic backing with pin.


2 Inch

Made/Printed in

the USA

Usually ships in

1-2 business days

Out of stock

Note: At this time, CharmCat only ships to North America.

This product is discontinued. This product is no longer being made, and once it’s sold out that’s it!

About this product

Find similar products in our Guide: for Nerds & Geeks.

This product is categorized as: Pin-Back Buttons; and tagged as: black hole painting, holiday gift idea, nerdy art, night sky art, pin-back button, sky art, space art, star art, starry art.

This product’s main colors are: Blue, Gray and Black, Purple.

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